Incorporation packages for company formation in Ireland

Incorporation packages for company formation in Ireland

Form your Limited company in Ireland - incorporation packages for every requirement profile

On this page you will find our incorporation packages for the Irish limited company clearly sorted by scope of services. From the standard package to the minimum package for a leaner company formation, there is something to suit every need. All packages can be paid for conveniently in installments or in one go. We have set ourselves the goal of making the formation of an Irish Ltd. possible for everyone.

Our complete packages

The standard package is our all-inclusive offer and includes, in addition to the actual foundation, a Registered Office service and a company secretary. Ideal for a complete handling of all formalities by us.

The standard package

Incorporation of an Irish Ltd.

The standard package is our all-inclusive offer and includes a registered office service and a company secretary in addition to the actual incorporation. Ideal for complete handling of all formalities by us.

From $149 per month

The medium package

Incorporation of an Irish Ltd.

The Medium package includes a Registered Office Service in addition to incorporation - a good choice if you want to use two directors for incorporation, for example.

From $95 per month

The mini package

Incorporation of an Irish Ltd.

The basic incorporation package covers the necessary services for the pure incorporation of your Limited company and offers a cost-effective minimum solution.

From $69 per month

Regardless of the scope of services you choose, our experts will reliably guide you through the entire start-up process. Browse through the packages and choose the right complete solution for you.

Frequently asked questions

These FAQs are often asked in connection with Irish Ltd.

A limited company (Ltd.) is an unlisted corporation anchored in British company law, comparable to the German limited company. GmbH, or a US-LLC. It is particularly widespread in the UK, Ireland and some other countries and is a common legal form for small and medium-sized enterprises.

A Ltd. is suitable for any industry without licensing restrictions and for anyone who wants to establish a Limitation of liability and minimal foundation costs.

A company secretary is an executive officer for Ltd (optional) who is responsible for ensuring compliance with legal requirements and managing the company's records. This includes organizing board meetings, keeping minutes and ensuring that the company complies with all legal obligations.

A Registered Office (Ireland) is the official address of a company to which all official documents and communications are sent. It is the legal domicile of the company and must be located in the country where the company is registered.

The documents required vary depending on the country and type of company, but generally include

  • Proof of identity (e.g. passport or identity card)
  • Proof of address (e.g. utility bills or bank statements)
  • Other documents that may be relevant to the company and location

Depending on the country and type of company, the incorporation process can take between a few days and several weeks.

The corporation tax rate in Ireland is 12.5 %. Taxation in the country of residence should be discussed with a tax advisor.

No, your company does not have to be registered in your country of residence, unless a subsidiary is to be registered there.

An Irish Limited Company (Ltd.) can be formed with only one director and one company secretary, whereby the Company Secretary acts as a kind of "second director". This means that you can use your Irish Ltd. with one director and one company secretary in order to fulfill the requirements for at least two managers.

The tax ID is normally issued by the Irish Revenue within 3-6 weeks.

Basically yes, this applies to physical and digital goods. Exceptions may include online courses, for example.

There are no hidden additional costs unless you order additional services.

Depending on the foundation package. With the mini package, only the Costs for the additional services you order. All other services are optional.

No, it is not necessary to travel to Ireland. The foundation can be carried out online.

At least one person is required as Director. A company secretary is also required, but can be provided externally.

A minimum share capital of EUR 1 per shareholder is sufficient. There are no minimum capital requirements.

Incorporation usually takes 7-14 working days after receipt of the application at the Irish Company Registration Office.

No, there are no restrictions regarding nationality. However, at least one director must have a residential address within the EU.


100% compliant with CRO, discrete establishment within 14 days

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