Ltd. general definition
A Limited (Ltd) is a legal form for companies that exists in many countries around the world. There are different types of limited companies (Ltd) worldwide, which differ in their legal framework, requirements and uses.
Ltd. is a popular legal form for companies in many countries around the world as it offers limited liability, a legal entity and other benefits. However, the specific requirements and benefits may differ depending on the country and legal form.
The main features of a Ltd.
- Limited LiabilityThe personal liability of shareholders is normally limited to the amount they have invested in the company.
- Legal PersonA Ltd. has its own legal personality and is legally separate from its owners.
- Unlimited DurationA Ltd. normally has an unlimited life as long as it fulfills its legal obligations.
- SharesA Ltd. can own and sell by issuing shares. Depending on the country and legal form, shares can be traded privately or publicly.
ManagementThe management of a Ltd. is usually led by a board of directors or other type of management body, which is responsible for the strategic decision-making and operational activities of the company.
Fiscal Aspects: The taxation of Ltds depends on the national tax laws. In many countries, Ltds are considered separate tax entities and can pay corporate taxes.
Some of the most common types of Ltd:
- Private Limited Company (Ltd)This is a popular form of Ltd in many countries, including the UK, Ireland, India and Singapore. A Private Limited Company has a limited number of shareholders and its shares cannot normally be publicly traded.
- Public Limited Company (PLC)This is a form of Ltd that is found in many countries, including the UK, Ireland and India.
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)LLC : An LLC is a common form of Ltd in the United States, which is also used in other countries such as Germany (GmbH) and Austria (GmbH). It offers shareholders limited liability and allows flexibility in the company structure.
- Sociedad Anónima (S.A.)An S.A. is a type of Ltd in Spanish-speaking countries such as Spain, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. It usually has a large number of shareholders and its shares can be publicly traded.
- Company with limited liability (limited liability company)A GmbH is a common form of Ltd in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It offers the shareholders limited liability and is suitable for small and medium-sized companies.
- Besloten Vennootschap (BV)A BV is a type of Ltd in the Netherlands and Belgium. It has limited liability and its shares cannot be publicly traded.
- Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL)A SARL is a form of Ltd in France. It has limited liability and is suitable for small and medium-sized companies.
- Società a Responsabilità Limitata (SRL)An SRL is a type of Ltd in Italy. It has limited liability and is suitable for small and medium-sized companies.
- Limited Company (Ltd)A Ltd. is a type of Ltd. in many English-speaking countries such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It has limited liability and can be either privately or publicly traded.
- Proprietary Limited Company (Pty Ltd)A Pty Ltd. is a type of Ltd. in Australia. It has limited liability and is suitable for small and medium sized businesses.
- Kabushiki Kaisha (KK)A KK is a type of Ltd. in Japan.
These are some of the main types of Ltd companies that can be found in different countries. However, it is important to note that the specific requirements and benefits of Ltd companies may differ in different countries.