Correction policy from Digitalize Global

1. responsibilities

  • The content of the website is regularly checked by a professional proofreader for spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • The website operator/content manager is responsible for carrying out the proofreading.

2. corrections

  • All content such as blog posts, product descriptions, customer comments, etc. are included in the proofreading process
  • Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and wording are corrected.
  • Optimizations of style and comprehensibility can be made

3. external service providers

  • An external, qualified service provider is commissioned for professional proofreading
  • This person has the necessary distance from the company to objectively recognize and correct errors

4. test method

  • Corrections are made directly in the website's content management system
  • Alternatively, the texts can be extracted for correction and provided as Word/PDF documents

5. frequency

  • The corrections take place at regular intervals (e.g. monthly).
  • Any new or changed content will be corrected immediately before publication.

6. documentation

  • All corrections are documented in a traceable manner (e.g. change log).
  • Previous versions of the texts are archived for a certain period of time.

7. search engine optimization

  • The corrections serve to improve content quality, not SEO optimization
  • For SEO purposes, separate measures by an SEO expert may be required.
This policy ensures that the content on is regularly professionally checked for errors and corrected. At the same time, responsibilities, processes and framework conditions are clearly defined.